Club Penguin Updates and latest CP Goss

February 11, 2008

Save the Migrator!

Filed under: Free Items, New Stuff, Parties, Rockhopper — jessbek @ 8:20 pm

If you haven’t looked on the Iceberg lately you wouldn’t know about the recent ‘Save th Migrator’ campaign that has been going on. If you’re thinking “What is this crazy guy talking about?!’ I’ll fill you in. Ok, Rockhopper was on his way like usual when suddenly a random Iceberg came floating from nowhere and hit the Migrator in the side. Rockhopper and Yarr jumped off the ship into a rowboat and rowed to shore. Now Rockhopper being the kind guy he is brought along the free item (the life preserver) and walked around Club Penguin giving away free backgrounds. Rockhopper has now left and we are planning to rebuild the Migrator before Rockhopper gets back! On Feb. 15, there will be Save the Migrator party. Hopefully there will be a free item!!

February 2, 2008

Row, Row, Row Your Boat…

Filed under: Pins, Rockhopper — jessbek @ 8:01 pm

The new pin is out and it’s a rowboat. It’s at the lighthouse and you can find it by walking up the stairs. I don’t know about you but I miss the old style pins. The new ones just aren’t the same!!

In other news, the Save the Ship project is underway. Make sure you pitch in a helping hand ’cause I’m sure Rockhopper will appreciate it!

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